Pest Library
Fleas are a common pest worldwide, but the most common type found in Maryland is the cat flea. It is found on cats, dogs and other animals, and are known to bite humans. Fleas are known carriers of many diseases that infect humans through bites, like flea-borne typhus and plague. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms if swallowed by a human or animal when the tapeworm eggs are present within the flea. Stopping the flea lifecycle and killing current adults in tandem is key to ending an infestation, as females lay 4-8 eggs every time they feed on a blood meal. Adult fleas can also live up to a year! Flea control is necessary even in households that don’t have pets, as many wild animals have fleas. Fleas are heat sensitive, so regular vacuuming and/or steam cleaning your carpets and soft furniture can help control the adult population, but the suction isn’t strong enough to remove any eggs or larvae found deep within carpet fibers. If you see signs of an infestation, call us immediately!
- pets with pale gums, as fleas can ingest 15 times their body weight in blood, commonly leading to anemia in animals
- small, red, itchy bites present on your skin, especially if you’ve recently been on the carpets/rugs
- flea dirt present on pets or within fabrics/carpets. Flea dirt is waste material from fleas, and looks like small black specks that turn red when wet or smushed (it’s digested blood)
- you see fleas jumping around in the yard/within the home
Treating any animals within the home AND the surrounding property is the only way to stop an infestation in its tracks. Rely on the professionals to give you peace of mind and safety in your home. Call us today to schedule a consultation!
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8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm

We Service
Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Frederick County and Baltimore County
Discuss your infestation concerns with a seasoned pest exterminator.