European Hornets
Pest Library
European hornets are large, social wasps that build fragile, tan, paper nests in concealed places higher up than other types of wasps. They aren’t as aggressive as their native American cousins, but they do have a similar ‘nest protection’ instinct that should be kept in mind when nearing the nest. They are a predator wasp, feeding on other insects like yellow jackets, bees, and butterflies. They are opportunistic eaters, feeding on sap if need be. They can cause significant damage to the trees or plants they’re eating sap from, so prevention is key. They’re more active at night, hunting more often at night (but can be seen during the daytime). Keep them away from your home by turning off exterior lights at night if possible, as they’ll follow insects like moths to light sources to feed.
- seeing the tan, papery nest around your home or office
- seeing many hornets around, especially if you’re seeing many during the day
- seeing large, worker hornets around your home or office
While these hornets are less aggressive than their American counterparts, they are not docile by any means and can sting and cause allergic reactions. If you see a nest (especially if it’s large!) call us right away! We’ll remove the nest and work with you to come up with a comprehensive pest control strategy that discourages these hornets from making your property their home again.
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8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm

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Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Frederick County and Baltimore County
Discuss your infestation concerns with a seasoned pest exterminator.