Pest Library
Earwigs are omnivorous insects that typically inhabit gardens and other green spaces, and are unlikely to come inside unless actively hunting. Earwigs are nocturnal, so you’re unlikely to see them unless their numbers have swelled to infestation levels. Damage from earwigs is also unlikely unless the populations are high. Earwigs are natural hunters, so if you’re finding earwigs inside look for signs of their prey within your home. They commonly hunt aphids, snails, mites, and other small insects. Like crickets, earwigs are considered an accidental invader, so if you’re seeing many of them in your home it’s a sign of a larger pest or moisture problem. Reach out to us today and schedule a consultation to begin controlling the earwig population in your home.
- Foul smells. Earwigs release a pungent secretion when scared or crushed, and the strong scent is a sign of an infestation.
- Seeing them in the daytime. Earwigs are nocturnal, so seeing on during the daytime can indicate there are more hiding in a cool, moist location within your home.
- Signs of insect damage on indoor plants, like fresh flowers in a vase or fruits and vegetables left out on a counter that have black spots/holes in them.
Earwig infestations are more common in homes that have a lot of dead and decaying plant material outside, especially if that material buts up against entry points within the home. Give us a call and we’ll come up with a comprehensive pest control plan that works for your home’s needs.
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8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm

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Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Frederick County and Baltimore County
Discuss your infestation concerns with a seasoned pest exterminator.