Pest Library
There are 5 species of cockroaches that commonly infest Maryland homes. These include the German cockroach, brown-banded cockroach, American cockroach (also called the Palmetto bug), Oriental cockroach, and Pennsylvania wood cockroach (more commonly found outside). Identification of the roach species is key to determining the best route of extermination, as each roach has different requirements for control. For instance, the two most common roaches (German and American) are typically found in different areas. German cockroaches are more commonly found in homes, searching for food and water, and are easily carried from one home to another if not treated properly before moving as they live and procreate almost entirely within a home. American roaches are looking more for water and decaying plant/animal matter, so they’re more likely to be found in sewers and near bodies of freshwater (like rivers and ponds).
- Seeing cockroaches when entering a room or opening a cabinet. Cockroaches are excellent hiders and are nocturnal, so seeing them out during the day is a good signifier that you may have an infestation on your hands.
- Seeing droppings or streaks. These droppings resemble coffee grounds or specks of pepper, so they can be difficult to spot.
- The smell – roaches and their droppings give off a distinct smell, usually described as musty or damp. The bigger the infestation, the worse the smell will be, so if you’re catching a whiff of that odor call us immediately! Roaches can be very difficult to get rid of, so rely on the professionals.
Cockroaches can live for up to two weeks without a head, so if you’re seeing signs of an infestation, proper action should be taken immediately using chemical baits and traps that destroy the reproductive cycle of roaches to stop them in their tracks. Call us today to set up a consultation and take back control of your home.
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8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm

We Service
Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Frederick County and Baltimore County
Discuss your infestation concerns with a seasoned pest exterminator.