Bald-faced Hornets
Pest Library
Bald-faced hornets are a subspecies of yellow jackets with black and white coloring instead of black and yellow. These hornets create the stereotypical ‘hornet’s nest’ that comes to mind when you think about a wasp nest. Bald-faced hornets are known to be aggressive; they have the same nest-protection instinct that other wasps have, but their defense response can also be triggered by wearing the wrong color, soaps, or perfumes. Bald-faced hornets are most active during the spring and summer months and should be left alone if the nest isn’t in a populated area. Prevention is key, as they are both predators and prey insects and are extremely territorial.
- seeing many hornets in the area
- hearing a buzzing sound, but not seeing any hornets
- seeing the distinct, papery, grey nests that are built under roofs/ branches/etc.
If you see signs of an infestation, or if you notice a large hornet’s nest near your home or office, give us a call today! We’ll take care of any existing nests and work with you to come up with a preventative maintenance plan to keep them away.
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8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm

We Service
Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Frederick County and Baltimore County
Discuss your infestation concerns with a seasoned pest exterminator.